My Story
Hello I am Blue. I am very friendly and like to be cuddle. I am good with humans and other dogs. I am doing at the moment what any puppy is doing. Having lots of fun! My start to life was not so good. I was brought to a public shelter with my mum and most probably caught Hepatitis there. Lucky me I was saved by the C4S Team and live now in a really nice shelter. According to my vets I have made a full recovery and I am now vaccinated against Hepatitis. I should be fine.
black, brown
with People
okay with men
1. February 2018
Help [post:title] by sponsoring a doctor. Your generous donation will provide [post:title] with all the medical care for a year and will help [post:title] to stay healthy and happy.
A Doctor Sponsorship costs CHF 100.- a year. You will be able to dedicate this Sponsorship to somebody you love, add a little message for [post:title] and upload a portrait picture of the sponsor if you wish.
During the time of your sponsorship we will update you at least once a year about the state of [post:title] .
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